888-592-4335 (Geek)

888-592-4335 (Geek)


Lenders Types

Types Of Lenders We Work With:

1. Private Lenders (non-bank)

Private lenders are non-bank entities that provide loans for various purposes. They often have more flexible lending criteria compared to traditional banks and are generally more responsive. They are an excellent option for borrowers who may not meet traditional bank requirements or need quicker access to funds.

2. Banks

Banks are traditional lending institutions that offer a wide range of loan products for individuals and businesses. They usually have strict lending criteria but offer competitive interest rates. Banks are a good option for those with strong credit profiles and are seeking traditional loan products.

3. Credit Unions

Credit unions are member-owned financial cooperatives that offer banking services, including loans. They are known for providing personalized service and often have more lenient lending criteria compared to banks. Interest rates are often lower as profits are returned to members in the form of better rates.

4. Small Business Administration (SBA)

SBA loans are backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration and are offered through participating lenders. These loans are designed to help small businesses and often have favorable terms and lower down payments compared to traditional loans. Ideal for small business owners looking for capital to start or grow their business.

4. Small Business Administration (SBA)

SBA loans are backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration and are offered through participating lenders. These loans are designed to help small businesses and often have favorable terms and lower down payments compared to traditional loans. Ideal for small business owners looking for capital to start or grow their business.

5. Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)

CMBS loans are types of commercial real estate loans that are backed by a pool of mortgages. These loans are then packaged and sold as securities. CMBS loans are known for their fixed interest rates and are typically used for financing large real estate projects.

6. Debt Fund Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Loans

Debt funds are pooled investments that provide loans for commercial real estate. Debt fund CRE loans can be more flexible and faster to close than traditional bank loans. They are best suited for real estate investors looking for short-term financing or transitional capital.

7. Life Insurance CRE Loans

Life Insurance Companies often provide loans for commercial real estate. These loans are known for their low-interest rates and long terms. They are ideal for stable, high-quality commercial properties.


Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing allows commercial property owners to finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation upgrades through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bill. It is a good option for property owners looking to make sustainable improvements to their properties.


Types Of Products We Connect You With:

LoanGeek is a leading provider of real estate financing solutions for borrowers across the country. We specialize in helping
individuals and businesses achieve their real estate goals through our innovative loan products and personalized service.

Purchase or Acquisition Financing helps you secure the capital needed to buy a property or business. This type of financing is typically structured to meet the specific needs of the acquisition, such as meeting certain cash flow or asset requirements.

Rate and Term Refinancing involves replacing the existing loan with a new one with potentially more favorable terms, such as a lower interest rate or a different loan term. This can help in reducing monthly payments or changing the length of the loan term.

Cash-Out Refinancing allows you to refinance your property for more than you owe and take the difference in cash. This can be used to fund property improvements, pay off other debts, or for other investment opportunities.

Bridge Financing is a short-term loan that provides immediate cash flow to meet current obligations before securing a more permanent financing solution. It is often used in real estate transactions to cover the period between the closing of one property and the acquiring of another.

DSCR is a financial metric used to measure a business’s ability to cover its debt payments with its current income. It’s a critical factor in obtaining a commercial loan, as lenders use it to assess the risk associated with lending to a business.

Fix and Flip or Rehab Financing is designed for real estate investors looking to purchase, renovate, and sell properties within a short time frame. These loans usually have higher interest rates and are meant for short-term investments.

Ground Up Construction loans are used to finance the construction of new buildings from scratch. These loans typically have variable rates and are disbursed in stages as construction milestones are reached.

Commercial loans are used to finance commercial properties and are available in various forms including commercial mortgages, bridge loans, and mezzanine financing. These loans can be used for purchasing, developing, or refinancing commercial properties.

This refers to loans with repayment terms that can extend up to 30 years. This longer term allows for lower monthly payments but may result in more interest paid over the life of the loan.

Interest Only loans require you to pay only the interest on the loan for a set period, while Fully Amortizing loans include both the principal and interest in every payment. Interest Only can offer lower initial payments, while Fully Amortizing helps build equity more quickly.

Foreign National Programs are designed for non-resident borrowers looking to purchase property in another country. These programs can vary, but typically involve different requirements and potentially higher interest rates compared to loans for residents.


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